Thanks for your help recording the video EDECIB. It was a great experience for me and I'm very proud of you all and the hard work and interest you showed. I would like you to take ten minutes to watch the video, you can see it in my youtube channel evasanchezr but remember to set it up in all the world and English usa. You can set this parameters at the end of the youtube page. In this address you can also see short videos we recorded previouslly with some of you using the programs. Feel free to leave your comments in the channel or the blog. Special thanks to Raquel, Karina, Eduardo, Cinthya, Luisa, Geovanni, Valle and some other students who were very committed with the project and helped recording the video and taking some of the pictures in this blog and in the site.
You can also see the final video and the videos of other teachers who took this DIPLOMADO in my teacher's channel 79azor. This is the address:
En esta foto podemos ver a mi grupo tutorado en una actividad de integración de la materia de tutoría en donde tuvieron una breve convivencia para conversar. Como pueden ver son muy bien portados y buenos estudiantes. La foto fue tomada por Raquel y se envió en el portafolio de evidencias de tutoría. En este grupo se aplicó el plan de acción formativa. Aunque ya lo mencioné en la versión en inglés les reitero mi agradecimiento y afecto a todos ellos.
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